Friday, February 3, 2012

Should The FDA Regulate Cigars

If the FDA controls premium cigars, the cigar

business will be quite different.

Did you kow that...

On April 26, 2010 the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) publicly announced its intent to regulate cigars through regulations that had previously applied only to cigarettes. The June 2009 the signing of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act granted the FDA unpredictable power to impose strict new controls on the making and marketing of tobacco products but did not initially appear to apply to cigars or pipe tobacco, only to cigarettes.

Well, in April of 2010 and again in December of 2010 and July of 2011, the FDA made it clear with detailed postings in the Federal Registrar that its intent is to apply the same standards for nicotine content, advertising materials and marketing to cigars. The FDA had begun work on rules to eliminate full color advertising, all forms of outdoor advertising and point of sale advertising in tobacco shops while requiring the prominent posting of graphic anti-smoking literature and posters within tobacco retail shops.

But The International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Association, an industry trade organization and The Cigar Rights of America, a consumer grass roots organization, reacted by achieving the introduction of House bill H.R. 1639, titled the Traditional Cigar Manufacturing and Small Business Jobs Preservation Act. This important legislation aims “to exempt traditional large and premium cigars from regulation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and from user fees assessed on tobacco products by the FDA.” Initially sponsored by Representative Bill Posey from Florida,

The bill has gained the support of 68 Representatives from 22 states since its introduction in April 15, 2011. On August 1, 2011, a companion bill under the same name was introduced in the Senate by Senator Bill Nelson of Florida. The Senate Bill (S. 1461) has gained the sponsorship of two additional Senators since its introduction.

So, the FDA, today, has to apply to take control of cigars and pipe tobacco and has not succeeded. Try as they might something always gets in the

Have agreat weekend...... Long ashes,

Jim & The European Cigar Journal

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