There is no one person responsible for the “Big Bang theory”; in fact it came from a string
of different people and their discoveries. Thanks to the earlier discoveries by Alexander Freidman, Georges Lemeaitr and Vest Slipher , the scientist to put
the final dot and cross the last ”t” was Edwin Hubble. Even though he died in 1953 his last great award for his efforts was the Hubble telescope launched by NASA in 1990.
Edwin was born in Marshfield, Missouri in 1889. In his later teens he was 6 feet and some… Excelling in high jump, basketball and track. His grades were very good in almost everything except spelling. He loved fly-fishing and was an amateur boxer as well.
The "Hubble law", which predicted the expansion of universe, therefore the possibility of the Big Bang. Hubble explained that the red glint in the faint light wavelengths showed the powerful force moving at tremendous speeds and that the more distant the nebulae, the faster they moved from the earth. It was then that Hubble came up with the equation v = H0D This forced Einstein to reexamine his own math, relatively speaking, on all that the Earth and space discoveries with which Einstein wrinkled the heavens and warped time (excerpt from Fred Brown)….
Even though he was born in the US Edwin was enamored with everything English. So much so that he adopted the same pronunciation and cadence of speech. He sounded like an Englishman. Edwin also became an inveterate pipe smoker and as to be expected he mostly smoked Dunhill pipes. He was always seen with his pipe in hand or dangling from his mouth. And at times a cigar would pass his lips…
Within the Hubble family Edwin was thought to have taken after his grandfather Martin, who also smoked a pipe and was a charming story teller. This characteristic became so part of the Edwin persona that people tell the story of his attempt to spar with the world’s heavyweight champion Jack Johnson and later with the French heavyweight George Charpentier. He obviously never lost but always came to a draw.
His father wanted him to become a lawyer but he had other ideas. Edwin wanted to become a Rhodes Scholar at Ox ford, England and study astronomy. He then won a scholarship to Chicago University, took all the subjects that delighted him plus those required for a Law degree. Which he never got.
In 1910 Edwin was chosen for the Rhodes scholarship. It took him to Oxford, England. He studied at Queens College until 1913. Just before he graduated his father passed away. Edwin was both saddened and liberated from his father’s expectations. He was then free to explore the heavens to his desire’s content.
Although he claimed to be in the Meuse-Argonne offensive, his war record is somewhat cloudy, subject to his fisherman story telling…
For Hubble the years post WWI were bright and full of great clarity in his work and personal life.
By 1930’s Edwin was married and living in California, in the San Gabriel Valley. It was a constant party scene with visiting movie stars and socialites.
And still at this time Hubble was always with his pipe, and his tobacco was specially ordered from the London (Dunhill) Pipe Shop of Los Angeles, which unfortunately does not exist anymore.
One of Hubble’s favorite tricks was to strike a wooden match, flip it into the air and catch it in his pipe and light the tobacco.
Hubble past away in 1953 from a brain clot, a little over his 65th birthday. By then he had amassed a huge collection. What happened to it? No one knows…. Hubble was a public man but a private scientist. His wife burned all his papers and other important documents, even their letters, after her husband’s death.
Some of those Dunhill pipes would be pre-WWI and since they had no children the collection is more likely to have been lost.

Among his many awards was the Gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1940. He never won the NOBEL but because of his efforts NASA launched the telescope in his name, the Hubble Space Telescope, in 1990. Its all he imagined a telescope should be. Showing the birth of stars, black holes, collisions of galaxies, supernova explosions, which suggests the expansion of the universe is accelerating….
...til next time... smooth puffing everyone