Friday, June 17, 2011

The Frank Method

This is a gravity filling method. There are no layers. It creates a form of air puff of tobacco in the bottom. The most important step is the first one, the first pinch of tobacco that will go into your pipe. If this step is not done correctly, you will not have a good draw and will have to do it all over. But, once you get the hang of it, legend ( ) tell us that this will be your method of choice... well...we'll If you can get someone to do it for you, even better!
Read this entire tutorial through before attempting to do it.

Step 1
The Frank Method begins by simply gravity-filling the bowl. You may scoop or sprinkle, but never press the tobacco into the bowl. Tap the bowl periodically to settle the tobacco. The tobacco can be shredded or torn beforehand to help the tobacco drop into the bowl.

Step 2
If you've completed the previous step correctly, your pipe should look loosely packed, with gravity-fed tobacco filling the bowl up to the top.
Step 3
Hold the pipe in the left hand (or right hand) in such a way as to ensure that the left thumb is available. No kidding...

Step 4
With the fingers of the right hand
(index, middle, ring fingers and thumb), take an appropriate amount of tobacco that will at least fill the bowl. If that amount of tobacco looks a bit too large to fit in the bowl, you've probably got it right. Better too much than too little, as the excess can be regulated later. Remember, there are no layers in this method, so make sure you have enough tobacco to easily fill the bowl.

Step 5
Create a large pinch of the amount of tobacco between the fingers of the free hand. The pinch should have a large flat base, wider than the diameter of the pinch closest to the palm. Achim Frank describes this shape as a "champagne cork". You may gently press the bottom of the pinch against a table to flatten it.

Step 6
This pinch or plug is now placed gently, on the top of the bowl. It should be too large to fit in the bowl. The free thumb of the left hand
(or right hand), holds the plug in place as the right hand releases the tobacco. Use just enough pressure to hold the plug in place.

Step 7
Alternate holding the tobacco with one thumb while the other thumb rolls the tobacco toward the center. Soon, the tobacco will not need to be held in place by the thumb directly on top. Now, with light pressure from both thumbs as shown below (never use the tips of the thumbs), continue to roll the tobacco towards the center. Frank uses the word "massage". Roll your thumb from the outside of the bowl towards the inside (refer to the picture at top) with the emphasis on pushing the tobacco to the center, not down.

The motion is a rolling one that massages and directs the tobacco slowly and gently toward the center. If it feels a bit strange, that's good: this is very different than what we're used to.Alternatively use the right and then the left thumb pad as you rotate the pipe in a circular motion to equally distribute the tobacco. This will result in the tobacco sliding down the sides of the bowl until the pipe is filled.
A Helpful Image: Imagine a cork about one half to three quarters of an inch high and a quarter of an inch larger in diameter than the inside of your bowl. If you wanted to get the cork to fit inside your bowl, you'd push the sides of the cork towards each other (to the center) to make it fit into the bowl, not just push straight down .

Step 8
At this time you may tear away excess tobacco from the sides if you feel there is too much in the plug.
Again, you are cautioned never to press into the center of the bowl. Continue to roll the tobacco with your thumb pads gently toward the center. Take your time and don't rush the filling step.

Step 9
The finished fill creates a "super-plug", which should feel very tight at the top. No tobacco will fall from the bowl when it is turned upside down. However, the draw will be remarkably unrestricted and may even feel too easy compared to traditional filling methods.

A note from Mr. Michael Bernhaut:
My experience with this method is that it greatly enriches my enjoyment of pipe smoking. My pipe now smokes all the way down easily. The aeration from this method reveals new flavors from all my tobaccos. Tamping and re-lighting are basically unnecessary until the very end of the smoke: the tamper drops through pulverized ash right to the bottom of the bowl. Each bowl lasts longer, is more enjoyable and forms a cake much quicker than the traditional method of filling. I've also noticed that no ash falls from the bowl if turned upside down."

For lighting, Mr. Frank recommends a triple flame torch lighter to create a complete and even light immediately with no tamping.( we caution against using a the torch) The lighter must be pointed straight down at the bowl avoiding an angle that might point the torch flame towards the walls of the bowl) using very quick ‘dabs’ of flame. Using this light requires caution, a bit of practice, and will probably be met with severe criticism from most. (yup) I use it carefully and swear by it for a perfect light after two or three quick contacts of the flame to the tobacco. Precise aim and quick removal are essential to protect the bowl of your pipe.

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