Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The 21st Century Pipe Smokers

Smoking a pipe has always been rather romantic for someone who is starting. Many do it as they revisit their memories of a favorite uncle or grandfather. Today many who start young, are starting in College. They don’t come from any specific group. Some are artists, other mathematicians, some are getting degrees in weather science and others will become teachers.

Over 90% are men; women will occasionally become puffers, but not like men. Cigars go down the same road. It seems the taste is not something women like too much.

I’ve seen cigar smokers who switched over to pipes because of the cost of cigars.

I’ve seen cigarette smokers who switched over because of the cost of cigarettes.

I’ve even asked why they started… Because of my uncle, father, grandfather, great grandfather…etc. Because, “I look cool”, “intelligent”, “because it commands respect”.

“Because no one complains of pipe smoking.” That was different!

In fact, certain pipe tobaccos; the aromatics and certain mild English, have aromas that are true head turners. Fruity, nutty, sugary, chocolaty… It elicits memories, warm memories, some from childhood, some from a mentoring teacher or a favorite movie. Yes, a movie! Old Black and white movies always have someone smoking a pipe or lighting up a cigar. “it’s a wonderful life” with Jimmy Stuart, has a great scene at a Barbershop, with an old lighter.

Its also noticeable that a definite increase of College students and young professionals are looking to add a pipe to the baggy pants, tats and piercing. I haven’t seen anyone tracking the number of new young smokers, but sales from pipe tobacco and briar pipes are definitely on the rise.

We will find the 21st century young pipe smokers with a pipe in one hand and an iphone on the other. Or a pipe held tightly between their teeth as they struggle through a “Prince of Persia” or “Avatar” video game.

Even though the pipe has its origins over 2000 years ago if not more, it has adapted to the times, culture and technology. Even though we can buy pipes entirely made by hand, (these are pieces of art), there are many brands where the smoker can get an excellent pipe made partially by machine and finished by hand or entirely made by machine and smokes amazingly well. As long as the briar is of good quality a fairly well made pipe is a keeper.

Today there are attempts to make pipes out of metal, plastic, glass and who knows what else…many people have tried to reinvent the pipe…but since the advent of the briarwood, there is no other material, except for meerschaum that will produce a decent smoke with any type of tobacco; from Aromatics to heavy English.

I wonder, as I fill my pipe with a new batch of Cherry-Chocolate tobacco…will the pipe smoker of the future look like a Will Robinson in a silver space suit sitting outside his home after a full day trying to catch a comet? Hmmmm….. Sounds fun….

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