Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff cigars are made of aged tobaccos chosen deliberately. Each cigar sporting stuning wrappers and burning always smoothly.
Seamless wrappers, perfect burn, and easy draw, is a consistent in any Davidoff cigar.
Rolled by a select few and blended to perfection, all Davidoff cigars feature 4 year aged, hand-selected Dominican fillers.
This Davidoff Cigar Assortment makes an elegant present to the delight of connoisseurs and aficionados alike. The beautifully designed boxes and their precious contents are a
tribute to the famed Davidoff
quality. This cigar assortment represents nine of the best
cigars Davidoff makes.
The Davidoff 9-Cigar
Assortment Box includes:
1 - Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto (5.2” x 50)
1 - Davidoff Anniversario No.3 (6” x 50)
1 - Davidoff Special ‘R’ (4.9” x 50)
1 - Davidoff Special ‘T’ (6” x 52)
1 - Davidoff No. 2 (6” x 38)
1 - Davidoff Short Perfecto (4.9” x 52)
1 - Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2 (5.6” x 43)
1 - Davidoff 2000 (5” x 43)
1 - Davidoff 1000 (4.6” x 34)
1 - Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto (5.2” x 50)
1 - Davidoff Anniversario No.3 (6” x 50)
1 - Davidoff Special ‘R’ (4.9” x 50)
1 - Davidoff Special ‘T’ (6” x 52)
1 - Davidoff No. 2 (6” x 38)
1 - Davidoff Short Perfecto (4.9” x 52)
1 - Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2 (5.6” x 43)
1 - Davidoff 2000 (5” x 43)
1 - Davidoff 1000 (4.6” x 34)
We have it available on line and at the store, 501 SE Mizner Blvd. #80, Boca Raton FL 33432
Have a great week.....