Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Meerscahum Pipe

DESCRIPTION: Meerschaum is a compact massive variety of the mineral sepiolite, a hydrous magnesium silicate hydroxide hydrate. Mostly found in Eskisehir, Turkey.
* Aktas - one of the names used by local inhabitants of Eskişehir area.
* Eskisehir (or Eskisehir’s) stone - marketplace name for meerschaum from Eskişehir area, Turkey.
* Lületaşı - an overall name applied by the natives of the Eskişehir area to either meerschaum or meerschaum pipe (I am not sure about this. It needs to be resolved -- readers please help!).
* Patal - one of the names used by local inhabitants of Eskişehir area.
* Pierre de savon Maroc (i.e., rock of Moroccan soap) - designation used, especially in the past, in Morocco where meerschaum was sometimes used as a so-to-speak substitute for soap.
* Tanganyikan meerschaum - name sometimes given meerschaum from Tanzania.
* Vienna stone - name apparently based on the fact that many meerschaum pipes (etc.) were fashioned and/or marketed in/through Austria.
* “White gold” - name sometimes used in the area in Turkey where it is mined and carved.

Smokes cooler than briar, absorbing 90% of tar and nicotine. Is it better than briar?
A finely crafted meerschaum pipe can be the best material to use for fine tobacco pipes for many reasons. Below, you’ll find a list of them
1 * Meerschaum is lighter than briar. This particular material is that it is very light when compared to other claylike minerals after the water has been removed from it.
2* Meerschaum is porous and acts as a filter, drawing tars and moisture out before it reaches your mouth.
3* Meerschaum is neutral and imparts no flavor to the tobacco like a briar pipe might. This allows you to get the true flavor of the particular blend you are smoking.
* Meerschaum will not burn like briar. Since you cannot catch a meerschaum pipe on fire, there is no need to build a cake of carbon around the bowl to protect it.
4* You can safely smoke any number of different types of tobaccos (aromatics, English, Virginia, burley, etc) back to back without fear of muddling the cake with different flavors/aromas like you do with a briar pipe since you don’t need a cake. I can safely smoke a bowl of English and Aromatic later without having the aroma or flavor from one, affect the other.
Breaking In : No need to break in your new pipe. Unlike Briar, the natural mineral quality of Meerschaum needs no caking to enjoy the true, pure taste of your favorite blend. Fill it gradually, remember it only needs to be filled half way. Now your ready to light it so strike a match or flick a lighter and apply the flame. As the heat from the flame comes in contact with the tobacco the tobacco will expand up towards the top of the bowl so grab your tamper and apply pressure to the tobacco, but don’t stop puffing.
Care : There are many misconceptions surrounding Meerschaum pipes. Remember, just as no two pipes are exactly the same, no two pipe smokers are exactly the same. Don’t be afraid to hold and handle your Meerschaum pipe. Smoking your pipe is a traditional pleasure and watching it color adds to your enjoyment.

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