Wednesday, April 13, 2011


By B.B. Dandes

A room, or a box, of varying sizes, designed to preserve or promote the proper aging of cigars by maintaining a humidity level of 70% to 72%.

accessory for lovers of fine cigars; indeed, buying a quality hand-rolled cigar and not storing it properly is a crime.
The history of humidors is related to the rise in demand for cigars and the desire that they be well kept. It is also the story of the craftsman's mastery of their primary material: wood.
Like so many good ideas, the idea of the cigar humidor has been around a long time perhaps to the Middle Ages, when the guild system came into being and woodworkers had already begun to develop particular styles. From then until now, elegant hand-carved humidors have become a symbol of precedence and authority.
Good cigars will always need a good home. Humidors are made for that purpose: to protect your cigars. From the lowly Tupperware container to the exquisite Elie Bleu line this is their primary function. Some are quite beautiful and will grace any room where placed. Others offer clean design and function only, which is fine for those more cost conscious and needing functions only
When buying a humidor, first consider how many and what size cigars you want to store in the humidor. You'll want to buy one that fits either a 7 or 8 inch cigar unless you're a 9 inch smoker. Version:1.0 Look for one with a good humidification system."

Tip #1:
Fill your humidifier with either distilled water or one of the new cigar humidifier liquids now available on the market. Don't overfill the humidifier and never use tap water, which may contain minerals that could clog the humidifier element [in addition, tap water contains chemicals, which could impart an unpleasant odor to your cigars]. Allow your humidifier to drain on a paper towel for 45 minutes and shake any excess water out. Place the humidifier in its rightful place in the humidor, close the lid and wait 12 hours. This conditions the interior to accept your cigars.

Tip #2:
Before putting your cigars inside, wipe the interior of your humidor with a lint free cloth dampened lightly with distilled water. This picks up any residue from the manufacturing process and also conditions the interior to accept a certain amount of moisture, which will be there when the cigars are inside. If this is not done, the dry wood may suck moisture out of your cigars or humidifier. Clean the outside with a soft cloth, don't ever use furniture polish. Never place your humidor near direct sunlight, it will fade the finish and do damage to the cigars as well.

Tip #3:
The Mighty Myth: the biggest myth about humidors:' says Andy Kossin of Accent Imports, "is that the box itself must be made of solid wood. Most consumers are thrilled to say their humidor is made of solid cedar wood. But there's a problem with cedar wood down the road: warping. Solid wood warps. In the entire history of wood-making, you cannot keep solid wood from eventually warping." (editors note: Kossin's humidors are made from a special engineered wood)

If you want to know more call Jim Bennington at 888-574-5404 or click on the link below to go directly to our on-line store.

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